Guard Services

Our guards are carefully selected and well trained to carry out their functions. Our aim is to make Proton guards the best security operatives in the industry. Our guarding capability is nation-wide.

Armed Escorts/VIP Protection

Increasing incidence of political assassinations, armed attacks and carjacking in the society have necessitated the use of armed escorts by high net worth individuals and expatriates. At Proton we provide reliable armed escorts service anywhere within Ghana. Our drivers are trained in defensive driving techniques while our Escort Commanders are experienced in route planning and convoy movement to ensure safety of our clients. Our customer service is also equal to none. (Proton security has the approval of the Nigeria Police to use armed policemen in support of our escort assignments).

Electronic Security

Proton security designs, supplies, installs and maintains fully integrated electronic security systems to meet the safety objectives of our clients. We can protect single or multiple sites and our products and services include but are not limited to;

Special Events

These are special occasions requiring specialized security functions such as crowd requiring specialized security functions, crowd control, searches, surveillance, access control, monitoring guarding, VIP protection, escorts, etc. Proton Security officers are well trained and experienced in handling the security aspect of such specialized functions. Such events are;

  • Sport – Providing security at sports venues such as stadia, indoor facilities, etc.
  • Entertainment – This could be concerts, product promotions, marriage venues, festivals, etc
  • Corporate functions

We also offer security services to cover Annual General Meetings. Award ceremonies, inaugurations, etc.


We provide security training not only for our personnel but also to any organization that requires our expert training, which not only focuses on many facets of modern security management skills. Our operatives undergo the following training in the course of their services;

  • Pre-assignment training(4 week duration)
  • Site –specific training
  • Ongoing or refresher training
  • Advanced training
  • Supervisors course

Dog Services

We provide various breeds of dogs such as Alsatian, Rottweiler, Doberman, etc and handlers for special protection.

Risk Management

Our philosophy is to access and analyse the clients’ needs prior to quotation. Experience has shown that there is an absolute need to analyse the “pure risk” faced by clients before formulating programmes to manage those security problems and risks. This analysis is the foundation upon which man power and electronic systems are engaged to manage the risk. Our portfolio includes hostage situation, in depth threat assessments, counter-sabotage, disaster management, counter espionage, etc

Electronic Queue Management

Our Electronic Queue Management Solution takes customer flow management to an entirely new level. Our intelligent queuing solution manages and monitors customers’ services by ensuring consistent and personalized service experience. This helps businesses to develop a stronger brand image and monitors service statistics

Vehicle Tracking

The total management of your fleet is totally in your hand, if you subscribe to our Vehicle Tracking Service which has the following features:

  • Tracking with GPS accuracy
  • Daily, weekly & monthly Trip Reports
  • Complete electronic logbook
  • Expense Control and Management
  • Plot trips & view total kilometers
  • View braking, acceleration & speeding
  • Expense management and total control
  • SMS on arrival or departure via Alarm function
  • Live vehicle tracking
  • Remote Vehicle Immobilization
  • Mostly offline system that saves history to your local PC memory drive
  • Electronic Queue Management System

Digital Display System

Our Digital Display is the ideal solution for high-contrast indoor or extreme weather outdoor usage. Whatever is your display need, our advanced LED displays can be built in all shapes and sizes and can project any type of data and media content in vibrant colors. It has ability to integrate seamlessly with any legacy system our centrally-controlled CMS software is a powerful tool for small and large businesses to share meaningful data via an exciting digital medium.


Our expertise covers provision of security consulting services that bothers on:

  • Business integrity and litigation support solutions
  • Work place compliance
  • Brand protection solutions
  • Crisis management
  • Technology risks
  • Global intelligence


We have developed capability and expertise in conducting various security and investigation discipline within a diversified market range. Investigators are committed to ensuring that pro-active systems and procedures are adhered to within the company. Specialized investigation work can be carried out in the following fields;

  • Due Intelligence
  • Technical surveillance and monitoring
  • Covert investigation and value assets
  • Fraud examination in consultation with forensic auditors
  • Criminal background check
  • Security awareness seminars
  • Security briefings

Close liaison has been established with other criminal investigation units in order to enhance our skill, expertise and to have access to relevant information